Thursday, July 12, 2007

Which Kind of Mom Are You?

My friend and I took our boys to Brookfield Zoo today and had a nice time. The weather was perfect; it was a great day to visit the zoo.

Evidently, many other people felt the same way we did, because there were a lot of people there, mostly moms and their children. It's been a while since I was around a huge group of parents with their little ones, and I enjoyed seeing all the babies and toddlers (although my friend and I agreed the moms are looking younger all the time, LOL).

One thing that caught my eye was the way the moms related to their children. A few moms just stood quietly while their children looked at the animals and the exhibits. Their children talked to each other, but not to their moms.

Many more moms were deeply engrossed in chatting with each other, or on their cell phones, while their children enjoyed the zoo. There was little or no conversation between these moms and their children.

Then there were the moms who actively participated in the zoo visit, calling out things like "Tyler, can you see the bear peeking out of the cave?" or "How many camels can you count?"

If you're a homeschooler, I'm guessing you probably fall into the third group. Am I right?


Jane said...

I can't imagine not talking our way through the zoo. In fact, we just did that Monday!

BTW, I mentioned you on my homeschooling blog.

Leslie said...

Mostly, yeah. But this week? My husband has been out of town and I am exhausted. I would have been the mom on the bench going, "Mommy's tired, can't you just go look at the pretty animals and give mommy 5 minutes of silence?" And then weeping softly...

OK maybe not, but I did ask them to go play on the playground last night at church and let me talk to a grown up for 15 minutes :)

Middle-Aged Moi said...

You betcha baby! I love the zoo. The myriad of questions I get are sometimes hard to keep up with, though......LOL!

Barbara Frank said...

Jane, how nice of you! I will have to check it out :)

Leslie, I remember those days; there were times when I had to declare myself invisible for a few minutes. But the moms I'm talking about didn't look frazzled or tired, just disinterested.

Janet, believe it or not, I kinda miss those questions!