Wednesday, January 23, 2008

I Am Not Making This Up......

So the debacle that is public education has come down to this:

You run the public schools in your county. There are quite a few kids who aren't doing well in your schools. Their test scores stink, so you recommend they take after-school tutoring, and they refuse. What else can you do?

You bribe them, to the tune of $8/hour. And if their grades then go up? You pay them bonuses, of course.

You know, I occasionally told my kids (when they were young) that it was their job to learn. It never occurred to me to pay them to do so.


Kari said...

Can I go there? It would be my dream job...learning AND getting paid for it!

Sheesh, what's the world coming to?


Middle-Aged Moi said...

Are you kidding me? That is SO sad!!!!!

sarah said...

Sweet... I estimate that you owe me about $145,152 for the time I spent being educated. However, since I didn't have to spend my own dollars on lunch, maybe we can negotiate a slightly lower price.

Crimson Wife said...

Joanne Jacobs had a post a few weeks ago about a study finding that bribing kids for high test scores doesn't work. Somebody needs to get that study into the hands of all the educrats.

Barbara Frank said...

Kari and Janet, I'm glad I'm not alone in thinking this is ridiculous.

Sarah, the check's in the mail....not. :)

Crimson, I haven't seen that post but it's not surprising that bribery won't work. And I don't think the educrats will care; they'll try anything to keep their gravy train going.

Anna said...

This infuriates me! These kids already have the idea that the world owes them, that everything must have a reward to even be a blip on their radar. And now?! Good grief.

Renae said...

Then we wonder why our elected officials are swayed by the money.

Peace to you,

Barbara Frank said...

Anna, I agree. Unfortunately, the school officials understand how much today's kids are motivated by money. So maybe they'll show up. But learn? Not in any real sense of the word.

Renae, excellent point!

Barbara Frank said...
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