Friday, August 31, 2007

A Message of Hope

This is from our church's bulletin for this week:

We received two responses to our Rally Day balloon
messages. (One girl)'s balloon landed on a farmer who was
in his tractor near Knox, Indiana, about 4:00 p.m. last Sunday.
Another balloon landed in a boat that a woman was sitting in
because the area near Merrillville, Indiana, was flooded! Please
keep Stephanie and all flood victims in your prayers.

As I recall from my days as a Sunday school teacher, the balloons the kids launch to celebrate Rally Day usually have a message attached that says "Jesus Loves You." Imagine sitting in a boat in your flooded neighborhood, praying for a sign that everything's going to be ok, and then that balloon lands in your boat. How cool is that? :)

1 comment:

Middle-Aged Moi said...

That is WAY cool!!!!! I love that idea- I'm teaching SUnday School this year- I might just try that!

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