Thursday, August 9, 2007

Back Again

We're back home after a house-hunting trip. Yes, we have a contract on "the homeschooling house," although if you feel like praying, we sure could use prayers that this deal goes through, because they want us out in less than two weeks but their mortgage isn't approved yet. You know what they say, God is never late, rarely early and always on time....we're counting on it!

NerdMom has posted an awesome Carnival of Homeschooling this week despite the invasion of her home and family by an evil stomach bug. If she does this good of a job while dealing with illness (her own and her family members', plus her poor hubby's bout with gallstones), imagine what she accomplishes when they're all healthy!

The August issue of "The Imperfect Homeschooler" newsletter is out. If you're a subscriber, it should be landing with a thump in your email box any second. If you're not a subscriber (and why aren't you, hmm?), you can go see it here, I suppose :)

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