Wednesday, July 2, 2008

Fourth of July Carnival

This week's edition of the Carnival of Homeschooling has a Fourth of July theme. With the holiday weekend coming up, I hope you get some time for yourself somewhere along the way so you can enjoy the wide variety of posts for and by homeschoolers that you'll find there.

P.S. The video is of fireworks in New York City on the Fourth of July, 2005. Now that we're living in a small town, I'm thinking YouTube may be the only way we can view fireworks this year :)


Barbara Frank said...

Sandy, is there a nearby city you can visit and see fireworks there? Moving seems like an awful lot of work! :)

Middle Age Hacks said...

Hi Barbara,
Thanks for your comment, which was left in true guilt-free homeschooler fashion. :o) You are so right. Why DO I let myself be bound by the school schedule???

Barbara Frank said...

It's hard shaking off our childhood training, isn't it, Sally?