Wednesday, October 1, 2008

Teaching Traditional Subjects, Homeschool Worries and More

The October issue of "The Imperfect Homeschooler" newsletter went out this morning. It includes information about teaching traditional subjects and why homeschoolers shouldn't worry about homeschooling for the long run, plus links to sites that offer free great literature in your emailbox and a fun computer game to keep the kids busy for a while, among other things.

As always, we have the latest entry in the "What Our Kids Are Missing Out On Dept." as well. You can see the entire issue here. If you'd like your own free copy each month, go here.


Middle-Aged Moi said...

Just registered....:-)

Renae said...

I think I forgot to reregister. ;) I better go do that.

Also, will you have comments on your new site. I've read some great things over there, but didn't see a comment form.

Barbara Frank said...

Thanks, ladies!

Renae, my blog will be attached to the new site and will have comments. It's almost ready :)